Monday, November 20, 2006

Catching Up!

Hi Everyone! So sorry this has taken me so long to update! I can't believe how my summer went! I have all of you to thank! What great sessions and times we had! I am going to be posting some of my favorites from the summer and fall! I am hoping to keep this blog updated for all of you because new and exciting things are happening at our studio and in our family! Luke and I are expecting our new little one any day now so hopefully I can keep this updated! Anyways, here are some of my favorites from the past few months! Hope you enjoy them!

A few from the Thomas kids' sessions..
Cooper Hight, Pam and Al Hurt's grandson..such a cutie!
Garrett Scott...on his "bear hunt" and fishing trip..
Taryn (Dezerae White and Corey Poole's little girl) looking cute in her tutu!
Marisa Poole and her kiddos.

The Dawson Family

The Colemans

Bridget (Collins) Gonzalez..such a beautiful bride!

The Schneider Family on the beach this summer.
7 Day old Colton Rogers..awww!!

I'll post some more favs later!! Hope you like them!

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