Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cori and Brandon!

Saturday morning I woke up to rain! I was so bummed and worried because Cori and Brandon were planning an outdoor wedding at the Overland Park Arboretum. Luckily, it cleared off and turned out to be hot and beautiful! I LOVE this couple and we had a great time, even stayed late to capture more of the fun! Check out my new fisheye lens..LOVE IT! Congrats Cori and Brandon!

Baby Hudson!

So last Saturday I was in KC for a wedding and Hudson's newborn portraits. This family has a special place in my heart, because when I was working in Kansas City I helped photograph their first baby, Spencer's newborn portraits and now I get to photograph them again for another year! I absolutely LOVE this first shot..haha..about 5 shots in, he was done with it :) I also got to snap some of Spencer, he is about the same age as Emmagail!

An Apology..

Just wanted to apologize for neglecting my poor blog! I have been so busy lately, it's all I can do to shoot, edit and post the galleries let alone post..but I am trying to do better. I have two new shoots for you to check out from this weekend and a session I will share one from..of my little (not so little) girl, Emmagail from today..I finally took the time to go do some more formal shots of her. The rest will be on my family blog a little later at

As for other announcements, I have two: 1. We won't be having Santa back this year, we are just too booked through the end of the year, so much so, that I am not taking any new clients really unless I can fit them in somewhere.

2.We will be taking a LONG ROAD TRIP soon..we leave September 18th and will return around October 8th. We will be visiting some family in Idaho, going to Wyoming, Montana, Oregon and Northern California at the very least. I will of course be taking a TON of pictures to post here and on my Fine Artistry Blog so if you are interested, check back. In the meantime, we have around 7 sessions and a wedding before we leave so plenty to post about..haha! For now, here is one of my baby...

Monday, August 18, 2008


Because I have been so busy lately and it is hard to keep up with my new job, I am going to run a special for all those still waiting to order. If you'd like to have your digital negatives on a cd to print where you'd like and you have had your shoot in the last three months, you can purchase your negatives for $150 for the entire session. I have never run a deal like this before, but I know at times it is hard to decide on what you'd like and I have been so busy with my Fine Art photography and new job that this may be a solution to help everyone out! If you'd like to take advantage of this offer, please allow up to two weeks for your cd to arrive by mail and send me an email with your name, address and time frame of your shoot. I will contact you about payment details.

Designs for Approval

Here are the last few designs waiting on the "go ahead" to order, let me know if there are any other changes!

The Front:
The Back:

Friday, August 15, 2008


Okay so now that I am moved for the last time ;) and I have the net again, I need to know if you all want Santa to come back this year? We had a huge response last year, and I have had many requests this year already, however I am pretty much booked through the end of the year as it is, so if we do the Santa portraits again, I need to know how many people are interested. If you want to take a look at some of what we did last year you can look HERE
and HERE.
Thanks for voting!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I just wanted to let everyone know that we are in the middle of another move to our new place the next day or two. We should have everything caught up by the end of the day Saturday, so if you have been waiting to see proofs etc. stay tuned and thank you SO MUCH for your patience during our transition! ~Amy

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Saturday afternoon we did the Sandness Family are a few..I had fun seeing all of their animals on their farm too!


Saturday was so humid and hot that even my lenses were sweating! We braved it as best as possible to get through the Vaughn's family shoot..they were real troopers!


I apologize to those who were waiting yesterday to see your sneak peeks on the blog, I was extremely sick, but feeling much better today so here is what I spent the weekend doing last weekend..first up was Megan.

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